Make a Credit Card payment?

visual snapshot of the Pay button inside WebBanking

To make a credit card payment via WebBanking using an  Allegacy account, visit My Accounts and click the PAY button beneath your credit card information.

To make a credit card payment via WebBanking using an external account or external debit card:

  • Select Credit Card account information from your ADDITIONAL SERVICES toolbar.
  • This will open your Credit Card WebBanking portal.
  • Then select MAKE A PAYMENT from the right-hand side quick links.
  • Choose the payment type and frequency of your choice and complete steps as they appear.
visual snapshot of menu in WebBanking

To make a credit card payment via Mobile App:

  • Login to the mobile app and select the MORE feature in the bottom right hand corner.
  • Then select Credit Card account information from your ADDITIONAL SERVICES list.
  • This will open your Credit Card WebBanking portal.
  • Then select MAKE A PAYMENT from the right hand side quick links.
  • Choose the payment type and frequency of your choice and complete steps as they appear.
visual snapshot of mobile app credit card access