3 Tips to Make the Most of Your Finances

woman with coffee and laptop

At Allegacy Federal Credit Union, we believe in doing the right thing for your wellbeing and that includes helping you find ways to easily improve your finances. Doing these three simple things can help you get your finances under control.

  • 10 Cents. For every dollar you earn, take 10 cents (or 10%) off the top and put it in a savings account or somewhere you won’t spend it. In less than a year, you’ll have a full month’s salary put away and be on your way to building a very comfortable nest egg!
  • Organization. Do you know how much money you have right now? What about how much you owe? You should have a clear financial picture at all times and update it frequently. Set up a system for tracking your accounts, then make sure you keep it up to date at least once a week. Allegacy offers a free service called Money Management through our WebBanking application that provides a clear picture of what you have and what you owe. There are also many phone apps available to help you track and budget.
  • Enjoy the Wait. Good things come to those who wait, but why wait if you can have it now? Saving money for a special item or trip makes getting there that much more enjoyable because you have the satisfaction of knowing that you set a goal and you achieved it.

If you’re serious about getting your finances under control, following these three tips will set you on your way. If you would like to speak to someone about how Allegacy can help you reach your financial goals, please visit a financial center or call 336.774.3400 today!

The information contained above is for informational purposes only and is provided as a service to our members, and is not legal or tax advice. Some links included on this page route to sites owned by an independent third party unaffiliated with Allegacy. Such links are provided only as a convenience. Allegacy does not manage the operation or content of third-party websites and is not responsible for the privacy or security policies on third-party sites. Beware of disclosing personal or account information.