You know one of the biggest things keeping you from being financially fit? Making late payments on your bills.
Everyone has done it once or twice by accident. And some people do it almost by habit. Either way, it’s bad. Late payments can ding your credit score, make it a lot harder to manage your finances and prevent you from reaching your financial goals.
But you know what else? Late payments are totally avoidable. Allegacy’s WebPay™ service lets you schedule your bill payments online in advance of the due dates. So you’ll never have to kick yourself for making a late payment again.
With WebPay™, you can receive, pay, schedule and track all your bills from one secure online location. You can use eBills to receive your bills online, reducing the risk of bills getting lost in the mail or misplaced before they’re paid. Just think — less clutter, more convenience, and total security. Oh yeah, and no more late payment fees!
If you already have an Allegacy account, simply log in to WebBanking™ to start using WebPay™ right away. Or visit us online to learn about our other paperless options that can save time, money and trees